New Vision Charter School is a Core Knowledge School that also teaches the Colorado state standards in math, reading, writing, and science. (Standards can be found here.)   However, our curriculum does not align with the Colorado state standards in social studies, except for fourth grade Colorado History.  This means that while our students will learn the state assessed social studies content during their K-8 education, they may not learn it in the same grade level as the state test expects them to.  We specifically follow the Core Knowledge Sequence for social studies, in accordance with our Charter School application and implementation guidelines.


Colorado State assessments are designed to test the Colorado State standards, which encompass the Common Core Standards.  Please review the assessment tab to understand more about testing requirements.

Core Knowledge Foundation – Link to Core Knowledge Curriculum Sequence as a free download


K-5 Reading and Writing: Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA).  Follow the Core Knowledge content expectations and State Standard skills expectations.

6-8 Reading and Writing: Follow the Core Knowledge content expectations and State Standard skills expectations.

6-8 Spelling/Morphology:  Greek and Latin Roots morphology according to the Core Knowledge Sequence.

K-5 Grammar: CKLA and Colorado State Standard’s expectations.

K-8 Writing: Writer’s Workshop model supported through the Six +1 Traits of Writing and Step Up to Writing Programs.  Every grade level teacher has a minimum of three focused writing pieces aligned to Colorado State Standards and Core Knowledge expectations. These writing pieces are assessed through six-trait rubrics aligned to the standards.

Social Studies and History

K-5 History: Topics are embedded into the CKLA curriculum.

6-8 History: Follows the expectations of the Core Knowledge Sequence.


K-5 Math: Eureka  and    Zearn

6-8: From Pre-Algebra through Geometry: CPM




Classroom Curriculum Maps- Curriculum maps are updated regularly and are expected to reflect what is being taught in the classroom month by month.  


Our curriculum map for kindergarten covers comprehensive skills and knowledge like writing, reading, science, math, geography, and history.

1st Grade

The first-grade curriculum builds upon some of the knowledge that students learn in kindergarten, sharpening phonic skills, and preparing them for the next grade.

2nd Grade

The comprehensive strategy continues to evolve as students continue learning and becoming more comfortable with our curriculum.

3rd Grade

Students in our 3rd-grade classes participate in a variety of fresh concepts as they also continue to build upon past concepts so they are continually prepared for the next grade.

4th Grade

Reading skills are worked upon, introducing new and more challenging books that include non-fiction. Science skills are also more focused.

5th Grade

Children participating in our fifth-grade curriculum are now introduced to economics, taking part in Young Ameritowne to learn a little bit about how our economy works.

6th Grade

Knowledge and skills in science, history, literature, math, writing, and grammar are continued to be improved upon.

7th Grade

To prepare students for more advanced classes in eight-grade and beyond, concepts like algebra are introduced and other concepts like history and science become more advanced.

8th Grade

Our eighth-grade curriculum provides students with a more holistic view of the world through each of our subjects of focus. This curriculum prepares students for high school and the more advanced concepts they will learn beyond our school walls!

Spanish curriculum

Spanish provides a curriculum for students in the first grade through sixth grade, becoming more advanced with each grade level.

Empowering students

Empowering students

Challenging learning environment

Challenging learning environment

Exemplary teachers

Exemplary teachers

